Vizitoni Malin e Zi


Check all the accommodation types in Albanian Alps and learn about everything you must know in advance. We are here to suggest to you what best suits your requests.


We will not offer you just a guide but you will dive in this local lifestyle and have a unique experience from this remote wild area of the Albanian Alps


We provide you information and transport services in this region, discussing the best option and offer case by case.


Learn about the options of Restaurant services offered in the Albanian Alps and check our suggestions.


Rreth Malit te Zi

After more than 10 year experience with Thethi Guide and Tours we are now offering tours in Theth, Valbone and Komani Lake

Also costum tours according your requests can be discussed.


Destinacione ne Malin e Zi

After more than 10 year experience with Thethi Guide and Tours we are now offering tours in Theth, Valbone and Komani Lake

Also costum tours according your requests can be discussed.

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Best tours to Montenegro

Ture ne Malin e Zi

After more than 10 year experience with Thethi Guide and Tours we are now offering tours in Theth, Valbone and Komani Lake

Also costum tours according your requests can be discussed.

Where to eat in Montenegro

Akomodim ne Malin e Zi

Coming Soon

Where to eat in Montenegro

Restorante ne Malin e Zi

Coming Soon