Bar dhe Restorant ne Alpet Shqiptare Nje restorant modest qe ofron kryesisht peshk gjendet ne fshatin Nderlysa, buze rruges per tek destinacioni i ‘Syrit te Kalter’, 1.5 ore nga qendra e Thethit. Nje bar i thjeshte por qe ofron kafe ekspres dhe pije te ndryshme freskuese gjendet mu ne kryqezimin e rrugeve ne hyrje te fshatit sapo kalon uren hyrese ne lugine, i njohur si ‘Bari i Blerimit’. Gjithashtu cdo bujtine pritese ofron sherbimin e restorantit prane ambjenteve te saj me menu fikse ditore per nje kompensim prej 5 deri ne 7 Euro per person. Gatime tradicionale familjare me prodhime te bera ne shtepi. Edhe prane ketyre bujtinave mund te gjeni pije freskuese te konfeksionuara si birra apo coca cola apo edhe lengje frutash te bera vet me frutat e zones si lengu i manaferrave, thanave apo i luleshtrydhes. Byreku, maza apo tavat e ndryshme me perime kopshti jane disa prej pjatave me te zakonshme ne kete zone. Shenim: nuk ka asnje dyqan ushqimore apo artikuj te ndryshem per blerje ditore. [divider] Local gastronomy Fresh and flavored organic food. In general, food in the area is prepared in a simple way, without adding spices or additives. The most common dishes are traditionally are the roasted meat, chowder, kacamak (a kind of maze porridge), cervish with cornflour and fried chicken, boiled milk cream (maze e zier), lamb with rice, chestnut and flower honey, dry meat (pasterma), fli, etc. Various types of pies (with cheese, cabbage, spinach, wild spinach, cottage cheese). Bread has traditionally been made at home, usually made of maize or wheat flour, and it is the main food. Characteristic is the tradition of preparation of ‘’zahire e dimrit’ – the process of storing the food for the long winter: drying meat, pickling cabbage, cucumber, tomatoes, grinding maize, or wheat flour. Typical drinks of the region are wine, raki, and hardalli. Raki is produced from fruits, typically plumb, grapes, berries, etc. Everything you need to know about bars and restaurants in the Alps. All the guesthouses in the Albanian Alps use to serve food and drinks for all the tourist; There are no exclusive, only restaurant or bar/coffee in the area of the Alps; The biggest guesthouses and hotels in the most famous valleys of Thethi and Valbona can serve food at any time without reservation; We always recommend booking in advance for big groups independently from the place you choose. The lunch box can be arranged in every guesthouse; No grocery stores, fastfood, street food or similar in the valley; Note: Check Tripadvisor for an exhaustive list of Restaurants. Book in advance to ensure the availability of a professional guide, primarily. For a more specific request please ask us a quote Call now for the best offer English Speaking Phone 00355 69 60 15 771 FollowFollowFollowFollowFollow Send us an email with your details Reserverations email Facebook LinkedIn Gmail