E shumë dëshiruar, e shumë pritur, e shumë lenë pas dore më në fund sikur u zgjidh fati i lidhur nyje i rrugës së Thethit e cila u trumbetua si një mrekulli alpine me prita, mbuloje ati ortiqe, me vepra arti plot dekoracione panoramike të blerta të ndryshme nga struktura e ngurta të betonarmesë.

U fillua mirë me bazën dykalimshe, prerjen e shkëmbit, pastrimin inerteve dhe mos dëmtimin ambientit, por nuk u vazhdua kështu hilet alla shqiptare duken sheshit te muret, urat e disa përroskave. Nuk di se çfarë u bë por mbuloja rezultuan një blof pasi Qafë Thorrja, deri poshtë në varosh mbi kamp gjatë dimrit, muajve të parë pranverës dhe vjeshtues së vonë bora dhe akulli janë gjithë pushtetshme në një vend të vobektë si ne. Në veç pak mbi 15 km trase nisë tre sene (vite) më parë punimet po zgjaten si qilimi i Penelopës. Nga zvarritja e punimeve Thethi erret dhe zgjohet i pluhurosur sikur të ishte fabrikë betoni, por falë bujarisë se reshjeve nuk ka mbetur krejt fytyrë pa larë.

Dasma e madhe ka kohë që ka filluar, por nusja hirplote nuk dihet se kur do shkelë mbi tapetin e kuq. Pak gjasa ka te vijë edhe ketë vjeshtë, por duke parë pajën e saj do vijë me këpucë dhe çorape të grisura. Muret mbrojtëse me prita plastike rezultoi një dështim trashanik i shëmtuar dhe skandaloz. Në më shumë se 65 gjatësisë së pritave plastike, dimri më i parë i nxori fiasko. Nuk ka nevojë të jesh inxhinier as gjeolog, por çdo kush që ka sy sheh së një skrepatë nga 3 deri 7 metra me formacione flishore të paqëndrueshme nuk mbrohet nga shëmbja me bajga ciklopike.

Qafe-Thore-ThethNuk mund behet trase më qeska plastike lidhëse neiloni ne një zonë shpatull pjerrët me reshjet më të larta në Shqipëri (veç Boga i qëndron në krah), me shtresë bore mesatare 1, 5-2 metër dhe me temperatura deri -20 C. Nëse kjo rrugë merret në dorëzim me këto vepra arti dhe mure mbrojtëse ketë vjeshtë, në pranverë do shihini një zonjë me brekë skurliqur me ushkurë nëpërkëmbë.

Komuniteti i Thethit heshti, me naivitet dhe kurrë nuk u artikulua një zëri se, nuk ka turizëm funksional dhe të plotë në ketë Zonë pa u lidhe me asfalt të Dukagjinit në dy krahët. Komuniteti i Thethit nuk duhet tregohet kaq miop sa të mos shohë arnimet e shëmtuar të mureve plastike të cilat nuk japin as një garanci nga per një rrugë normale nesër.

Lidhja Alpe -Adriatiku (Dukagjin. Malësi e Gjakovës- Kosove) kurrë nuk u fut në projektet e qeverive shqiptare tash 100 e sa vjet, ndërkohë qe austriaket dhe italianët erdhën si pushtues, qëndruan fare pak dhe lanë pas dy projekte të shkëlqyera plotësisht të mundshme me rendësi ekonomike, turistike dhe mbarëkombëtare. Detyrim dhe përgjegjësi ka edhe qeveria e Kosovës, ndërkohë që bijtë e alpeve duhet të kërkojnë me detyrim përcaktim realizimin e një projekti të tillë qeverive të dy vendeve të një ame.

Nga Prele Milani

The snow isolates Thethi valley

The snow isolates Thethi valley

Due to a long and harsh winter, the beautiful valley of Thethi continues to be blocked by the snow from December until now.

Currently, the main road that goes through Qafe e Thores, at an altitude of 1750 m, is blocked in its 7-8 km. The responsible institutions never cleaned it during these months, and now the road has over 3 meters of snow along the entire length of this segment.

Usually, at the beginning of May, Thethi was ready to receive the first tourists from all over the world, but this year, although the requests have started from Albanian and foreign visitors, Thethi guesthouses have difficulty starting the season due to the road.

So far there is no information or announcement from the responsible or dependent institutions for the opening of this vital segment for the development of mountain tourism in the heart of the Albanian Alps, in Theth. It is not clear when we can have this road open again (until the end of May !!!)

Unfortunately, this destroys the plans of dozens of tourists willing to travel to this area and damages the local economy by not being able to get organized with the guesthouses for the start of the season after a long pandemic year of Covid-19.

For this reason, even the hiking tours starting or connecting with Thethi, as the trail Valbona – Theth, is impossible to be realized.

As soon as we have news we will publish them here again.

Shala River at Leka’s linden stone!

Shala River at Leka’s linden stone!

Shala River at Leka’s linden stone!

The destination which is attracting hundreds of tourists

Shala River at Leka’s linden stone stems in the magnificent Thethi National Park and flows along Shala valley, collecting a lot of other water sources from Shala and Shoshi’s villages. Along this river extends one of the most beautiful valleys and some of the unexplored spots of Albania like Shoshi’s Apple peak and Leka’s Linden Stone, aside from the river at his estuary point to Komani Lake.

Shala River at Leka’s linden stone has become one of the most required attractions of this area, isolated between the peaks of the mountains, with beach spots next to the river and reachable only by a boat trip through Komani Lake, make it a real adventurous trip and wild exploring. Within the same trip, you can enjoy a boat trip at Komani Lake, admiring the fantastic views that this trip by boat offers you. Also, you can spend time relaxing and swimming in the Shala River next to any of the two guesthouses placed there, which gives you a few facilities to make this trip possible, like accommodation, meals and even sunbeds.

If you want a spent more days in the area, an alternative activity is hiking to Shoshi’s apple peak in the middle of a chestnuts forest and back.

Rivers that rise from the Albanian Alps

Rivers that rise from the Albanian Alps

Valbona River

The river of Valbona, which rises into Rrogami, is one of the most beautiful rivers of Albania characterized by a unique beauty. The Valbona River is one of the rivers of the Albanian Alps, with cold and crystalline water, picturesque waterfalls and canyons that attract tens of thousands of foreign and domestic tourists every year.

However, all this tourism industry built on the tradition of hospitality and the beauties of nature in the heart of the Albanian Alps risks to disappear and not only but the income by which the inhabitants of these areas make a living may disappear as well.

Gashi River

Lumi i GashitThe Valbona River joins the Gashi River, which is a UNESCO-protected property along with the beech forest on both sides. In this river, small groups and adventurers, especially those who love adventure, can go fishing and canoeing.

All ancient beech forest natural reserves are fiercely protected in a total of 12 European countries, Albania being among them. UNESCO has included two Albanian natural reserves in its World Heritage List precisely because of the stunning beech forests found within them. These areas are Gashi River, located in the basin of Valbona National Park, and Rrajca. Albania proclaimed the Gashi River a natural reserve back in 1996. The ​3000-hectare-reserve is located northeast of the Albanian Alps, in Tropoja, Kukës county, entirely removed from any inhabited areas. Virgin beech forests cover a large part of the city. The geological basin is crossed by the river and is surrounded by swamps and canals, which, for decades, have kept the rich flora and fauna alive and helped it flourish, undisturbed by the human hand.

The geology and hydro-geology of the area

In the basin of the Gashi River, the rocks of the oldest geological age in Albania can be found. They are represented by igneous, volcano-sedimentary, and slightly metamorphic limestones. The Torkuz granodiorite massif separates the terrigenous and volcanic rocks. Younger deposits are depositions on old river terraces.

The river of Cem, along with its canyon, its rare fantastic beauty, and clean water belongs to the group of very attractive and beautiful rivers of Europe, which is visited by lovers all year long and especially during summer.

Cem originates in Kelmend, Malësi e Madhe, Albania, and flows through the region of Malësia. The river has two tributaries: Cem of Vukël and Cem of Selcë, which join at the confluence of Tamarë. Cem of Vukël – the more important of the two in terms of water volume – rises at 900 m and flows for 17.9 km. It passes through a narrow canyon, a terrain which widens only near Kozhnja, where deposition has formed a small limestone valley. A creek called Cem of Nikç also contributes to its flow volume except for the summer period when it runs dry.

The stream flows into the Moraca River, which together supplies Shkodra Lake with water.

During summer, Cemi transforms into an attractive environment for different vacationers who prefer the wonders of this river, where one should point out Tergaj, which has become a place for bathing and resting for the Highlanders.

The Kiri valley in Shkodra is one of the most beautiful areas in the north of the country, is only a few kilometers away from the center of Shkodra. This area has been “discovered” for four years by the people of Shkodra who tremendously visit it during the weekend.

The crystalline water of the Kiri is named after the village of Kire of Dukagjini. The valley through which it passes is a breathtaking and navigable canyon for adventurers who want to swim in the canyon. This river, during its lineage into the truck, creates exceptional pools on the stones of this river. There is a canyon in the river Kiri, one of the most beautiful in Albania, and the cleanliness, calm and fresh air of the surrounding mountains is what the valley of Kiri has to offer from where it flows.

Every weekend when the weather is warm, the citizens of Shkodra, foreign tourists, and village dwellers frequent these beaches for sunbathing in freshwater, as well as for water sports. Kiri is a village in the Administrative Unit of Shkodra Municipality were in ancient times, there was a castle that today has only a few ruins and nothing more, but even today this place is called the “Town of Kir” or “Castle of Kaur.” The name of this village is also named after the river, which originates from the slopes of Biga, Intercontinental, and Neck of Bkkas and flows into the Drin near Shkodra Fortress.

The river got its name from the village and not vice versa the river name, because in earlier times this river was named Clusala. Above this stands the Middle Bridge built during the Ottoman rule. Today, the canyons of this river in its rocky flow have become an attraction for nature tourists, river beaches, water sports, etc. that continue even in these warm September days.

Life happens on the banks of Shala river

Life happens on the banks of Shala

Shala River is a miracle that can be enjoyed in the beauties of where it was born in Theth until it flows into Koman Lake. Looking at this oasis, where Shala embraces Drini, now Koman Lake is a real wonder. Recently, this river has become the most frequented place in northern Albania. The site where it has today received an extraordinary name is also called, because the headman of Dukagjin, Leka, passed his last years here.

The Shala Valley is a virgin river in area that has only recently been incorporated into tourist agency guides, attracting particular attention due to its untouched nature and numerous opportunities that offer.

Experience Life Outdoors in the Albanian Alps

Experience Life Outdoors in the Albanian Alps

Thinking of making a trip to the Albanian Alps? You’ll want to make sure that you’re well prepared. Known as the accursed mountains, this is one of the most beautiful destinations out there in the world, and is a fantastic untapped playground for those that are seeking adventure.

If you’re planning to head to the Albanian Alps, it’s imperative that you travel light so that you can easily hike from one valley to the other within a day. You’ll be able to make the most of your hiking trip and won’t need to camp and have any tent equipment with you. You can hike within Vuthai and Theth within a day or Cerem and Doberdol. During your hiking trip, don’t forget to stay at the pasture cottages to get a little insight into shepherds going about their daily life or have a coffee in people’s local houses.

Even if you want to visit Thethi National Park, you don’t need to bring along equipment with you as there is plenty of equipment available for rent around the valleys for climbing and even winter sports. Not sure how to pack light? No worries, we’ve got you covered. Below are some tips we have on packing lightly for your hiking adventures.

Pack for the weather

Even if you’ve checked the weather and it says it’s going to be warm and sunny all day, you should pack for the season and for the expected weather patterns – never assume. It’s best to pack lighter fabrics that you can easily layer, polyester is a good one as it dries faster than other materials.

Avoid bringing fancy technology

Whilst it might be tempting to bring the latest camera along with various lenses to capture the beauty of the Albanian Alps, it’s not ideal if you’re going to be hiking for an extended period of time. It’s going to add additional weight you don’t want to be carrying around, and you can always use your phone to snapshots.

Needless to say, you should also not be bringing other technological devices such as a tablet or laptop. You’re embarking on this hike to immerse yourself in nature and take in the views, so leave all the technological disruptions at home.

Bring a wind shirt

Instead of packing numerous shirts and outfits, a wind shirt on its own is more than sufficient. Not only is it lightweight, but it’ll also protect you from the elements, and can reduce your overall weight load. It’s also comfortable and provides a significant amount of warmth whilst still allowing you to wear lighter base layers.

Pack light snacks or food

If you’re embarking on a longer hike, you’ll most likely be carrying snacks and food. You shouldn’t be carrying anything that’s overly heavy. Instead, bring some snack bars with you – they’re not only healthy and nutritious, but they’ll also provide you with energy up the hike and don’t take up too much space or weight at all.

Bring only what you need

This echoes everything that has been mentioned so far, but you should only be bringing what you need. If you’re packing toiletries, keep it to a minimum and have it organized properly to protect everything else in your bag. For clothes, you should focus on quality clothing as opposed to quantity. Instead of picking out heavy sweaters and jackets, opt for base layers that’ll help with temperature regulation and moisture management.

Lightweight packing tubes are great options to also help you with both organizing and compressing your clothing. Other things that you should consider bringing when hiking the Albanian Alps include light mountain shoes, sunscreen, a hat, hiking stick, and some long and short trousers. A 10-liter backpack should also be more than sufficient for three to four days of traveling in the alps.

Spend a little more on lighter equipment If you’re heading on a longer hike, be willing to invest in the equipment you bring with you – it makes a whole lot of difference. While it’s tempting to want to stick to a certain budget, the gear that you have is crucial for your safety or in completing a hike successfully. You wouldn’t want to take any shortcuts and should prepare your checklist of items way in advance before you even begin packing. Look for lightweight equipment such as an ultra-light packing cube that has a clean and dirty section. That way you’ll be able to separate your clean and dirty stuff while adding almost zero weight to your backpack. Pick travel-friendly versions

If you’re going to be hiking for a longer period of time, food can add the most weight to your backpack. Hence, it’s best to pick either dehydrated alternatives or lighter foods. Some examples of food that you can pack include instant hot cereal, powdered milk, dried fruits, and of course protein bars.

Other meals that you can look into include freeze-dried meals and dehydrated eggs. Aside from food, carry smaller or lighter alternatives of necessities. Instead of a bulky fluffy towel, for example, opt for an absorbent and light towel instead. At night, you can also use a light inflatable pillow that takes up minimal space. Toiletry swaps are also possible, you can use a paper soap instead of a bar, or go with baby wipes instead.

Share the load

If you’re traveling with a friend, sharing the load is a great way to limit weight and pack lightly. Before heading off on your hiking trip, discuss who’s going to what and how many sets of each item you require – it’s most likely that you’ll only need one. Then, you can divide the pieces among your packs accordingly.

There you have it, some of the hiking tips we have when it comes to packing lightly. By following these tips above, you’ll be able to enjoy your hike while taking in the breathtaking scenery of the Albanian Alps. After your hike, why not continue your trip by heading to Shengjin, Albania? Famous for its sandy beaches, you can unwind and relax with your hike. If you’re not sure where to stay, here are some Airbnb vacation rentals in Shengjin, Albania to get you started.

The Albanian Alps

The Albanian Alps

Albanian Alps represent a valuable and unique gem in Albania

With a mountainous landscape with multiple contrasts, traversed by river valleys with crystal waters, gorges and mountain saddles that invite to continue to further explore the nature, and with a rich vegetation, the Albanian Alps represent a valuable and unique gem in Albania and even in the world. The Alps resemble a dome with the highest peak of Jezerca 2694 m, from which appear in the form of rays the mountain ranges with sharp peaks and steep slopes. It is impossible for visitors not to be attracted by the multiple karst, glacial and fluvial forms.
With its mystical beauty nature has made a compromise with itself and with men. The mountain peaks in this area seem to reach heaven. Their stunning beauty is reflected in the sobering waters of the rivers Shala, Valbona, Curraj, Cemi, Moracha, etc. as well as in the glacial lakes such those of Pech, Jezerca, Doberdol, Sylbica etc. which provide a fabulous peace and adrenaline level at any moment you contemplate the many attractions of this area.

Mountains such as Radohima, the Peak of Hekurave, Harapi, Shkëlzen, etc. serve as points of triangulation, offering a different view which tempts the spirit of adventure of every visitor to explore the amazing beauty around them.

The cultural wealth and the hospitality of local residents

This incredibly rich natural offer which can be used for tourism purposes is added to the diversity of flora and fauna. The four floors of vegetation and the specific weather conditions in this space have caused the existence of a number of endemic plants and animals which enrich the decoration of this space and may also motivate an interesting study tour. Numerous natural monuments as the canyons of Shoshaj, Valbona and Cemi, the Dragobia Cave, the peak of Harapi, the caves of Rrathëve, the Ice Cave, the Cave of Haxhia, the Wet People Cave, the source of Shoshan, Valbona, Okol, Shtrazë, Kir, Koprisht, Vukli, the waterfalls of Theth, Grunas, etc. as well as the numerous bio-monuments, as the beech forest and the Fountainhead of Hasan Gashi, the Whitebark Pine of the Ponarëve Lake, the fir forest of Rragam, the Flag Pine of the saddle of Pech, the Habitat of the Salamander, the plane of Toplana are a significant indicator of the great natural richness of this tourist area. To this can be added the existence of protected areas like the National Park of Thethi and the National Park of Valbona, which are a guarantee for the longevity of these natural beauties not only in the present but also in the future.

Another important asset of the Albanian Alps is the cultural wealth and the hospitality and generosity of local residents. Some of the most popular tourist areas of the Alps are Theth, Razma, Valbona, Vermosh etc.

Here should be added the Drin valley with its epic beauty, where a ferry ride from Koman to Fierza will leave unforgettable impressions even to the most indifferent visitors.